The Star-Spangled Girl


The Star-Spangled Girl, June 10 - 22, 1969. Opening night: Gerald Slavet, Mickey Hartnett, Johnny Armen, James Scott.

The Star-Spangled Girl, June 10 - 22, 1969. Opening night: Gerald Slavet, Mickey Hartnett, Johnny Armen, James Scott.

The Star-Spangled Girl, June 10 - 22, 1969.  Mickey Hartnett, James Scott.

The Star-Spangled Girl, June 10 - 22, 1969. Mickey Hartnett, James Scott.

Gail Davis, news reporter for the Winchester Evening Star, interviewing the company of The Star-Spangled Girl.

Gail Davis, news reporter for the Winchester Evening Star, interviewing the company of The Star-Spangled Girl.